Full Webinar Recording
The full webinar recorded on May 8th, 2020.
Watch all ten speakers share their insights on how to restart your Dental practice engine post COVID-19.
Speaker Modules
Dr. H. Ryan Kazemi
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon and founder Facialart Dental Forum
Restart Your Dental Practice Engine
Dr. Maurice Salama
Dentistry in the World of COVID-19;
Re-Start, Re-Cover & Re-Engage with a “new” Normal.
Rita Zamora
Rita Zamora Connections
High Touch Social Media: Succeeding In A New Era
Dr. Marc Cooper
MBC Consultants inc.
Re-invent and Re-innovate
Dr. Howard Gluckman
Implant & Aesthetic Academy
The 5 C’ of Covid
Dr. Louis DaPaola
Department of Oncology & Diagnostic Sciences Dental School
Infection Control and PPE
Dr. Brian Gray
Giannini, Gray & Associates
In the Trenches of Daily Practice: What Do We Do?
Dr. Arash Hakhamian
Teledentistry is Here to Stay
Ted Rose
Rose Financial Solutions
Why you need a post pandemic financial plan
Dr. Mark S. Wolff
Morton Amsterdam Dean University of Pennsylvania, School of Dental Medicine
COVID-19: Another reason for patients to fear the dentist…How can we manage this!
Kathy Jalali
Life & Performance Coach
Redesigning Your Practice Culture